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Water Quality

Monitoring and Testing

One of the most important factors in water quality is the source. Forestville Water District's (FWD) primary water source is the Russian River, which produces high-quality drinking water.

FWD takes its responsibility for providing the community safe and reliable drinking water very seriously and ensures that the water supply meets or exceeds all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's and State Water Resources Control Board safe drinking water requirements. 

Before the water reaches your tap, FWD and the Sonoma County Water Agency take many steps to ensure its quality. This includes performing regular testing to ensure your water meets - or exceeds - state and federal standards and carefully managing our water distribution system.The water system is monitored 24/7 and maintained by FWD's experied & certified operators. In addition, the Sonoma County Water Agency actively monitors the watershed for any potential changes in water quality. 

For more information on drinking water quality in your neighborhood, visit Sonoma Water - Water Quality 

Can I have my water tested?

FWD provides water testing up to the water meter. Beyond the water meter, the plumbing system belongs to the customer. If you are concerned about your home's private plumbing, you can have your drinking water tested by a private laboratory.